Brisque Culture Creed

Our company values. Our service promise.

Our manifesto for us and to you.

People First. Humanize Every Interaction.

We focus on people first. During every customer and colleague interaction, we look to connect with people first everything else; second.

It’s not good business not to be human. Understand. Empathize. Your customers and co-workers have a life outside of work. Look to connect with the person.

Enjoy What You Do. Laugh a Lot!

Having fun is just as important as results. We believe that without having a fun workplace, you are very unlikely to come up with out-of-the-box strategies and ideas for clients.

Have fun while working. Make a joke (an appropriate one of course). Laugh with someone (not at someone).

We are open book.

No complicated pricing. No backend deals. We are transparent in our business dealings. What you see is what you get.

We are not afraid to share for fear of our competitors copying us or outpricing us.

In fact, We believe it’s an honor to have a competitor copy us.

Did you check out our services?

Tell the Truth.

We don’t believe in sales gimmicks. We don’t condone lying to customers just to make a sale. Due to this, we don’t create illusive end of the month or quarter discounts. We don’t make up policies to force customers into signing deals when they are not ready to do so.

We tell the truth. Period.

If we can’t do something, we’ll be first to say so. We pride ourselves on being able to help you even if it’s not in the form of a solution from us.

We believe that’s simply the human way to do business.

When your team sinks, you sink.

Is your colleague drowning?

Then we are all drowning. You don’t win brownie points by throwing anyone under the bus.

That tells us that you might need more team training.

When your team sinks, you sink.


Therefore, if you are kind you don’t need to be professional.

More Ways That We Are Different

long sales cycle for business to business technology marketing

What We Believe

Our beliefs are a big part of who we are as a company and the experience that we strive to provide in every customer interaction.

Everything else second.

We believe every product can be made to be relatable if you focus on connecting with people.

We believe every business has an unfair advantage provided the business was started to solve a problem.

Effective storytelling connects the why, and how, to get people to do what you want them to.

You don’t get effective marketing results by simply multiplying your marketing efforts you do so by optimizing your marketing channels.

We believe optimized marketing makes even a small marketing budget go a long way. It’s not about how deep your pockets are, it’s how quickly you can reach into them to pull out a trick.

Support your the big picture concepts with tactical initiatives. 

Don’t just dive into action.

These innovation plans allow for everyday marketing activities and long-term marketing creativity.

We believe innovation doesn’t just happen. It requires careful planning and execution.

At Brisque, we use a measurement process that we call the step-track-tune measurement process. 

Step-Track-Tune Measurement:

  • Step: Create actionable goal steps
  • Track: Track each step and measure results
  • Tune: Fine-tune based on results or eliminate strategy if needed.

Grow with humanized marketing.

Call us: +1 (813) 336 -4212